binchicken iterate

Run a further iteration of coassemble, including newly recovered bins. All coassemble options are available and can be altered for the new iteration (see example workflow).

# Example: rerun coassemble, adding new bins to database
binchicken iterate --coassemble-output coassemble_dir

# Example: rerun coassemble, adding new bins to database, providing genomes directly
binchicken iterate --coassemble-output coassemble_dir \
    --new-genomes new_genome_1.fna

Defaults to using genomes (from the provided coassemble outputs) with at least 70% complete and at most 10% contamination as estimated by CheckM2. Alternatively, selected genomes can be provided directly with --new-genomes. Automatically excludes previous coassemblies.



--iteration ITERATION

Iteration number used for unique bin naming [default: 0]

--aviary-outputs AVIARY_OUTPUTS [AVIARY_OUTPUTS ...]

Output dir from Aviary coassembly and recover commands produced by coassemble subcommand

--new-genomes NEW_GENOMES [NEW_GENOMES ...]

New genomes to iterate (alternative to --aviary-outputs)

--new-genomes-list NEW_GENOMES_LIST

New genomes to iterate (alternative to --aviary-outputs) newline separated

--new-genome-singlem NEW_GENOME_SINGLEM

Combined SingleM otu tables for new genome transcripts. If provided, genome SingleM is skipped


Previous elusive_clusters.tsv files produced by coassemble subcommand (used to check for duplicated coassembly suggestions)

--coassemble-output COASSEMBLE_OUTPUT

Output dir from coassemble subcommand

--coassemble-unbinned COASSEMBLE_UNBINNED

SingleM appraise unbinned output from Bin Chicken coassemble (alternative to --coassemble-output)

--coassemble-binned COASSEMBLE_BINNED

SingleM appraise binned output from Bin Chicken coassemble (alternative to --coassemble-output)

--checkm-version CHECKM_VERSION

CheckM version to use to quality cutoffs [default: 2]

--min-completeness MIN_COMPLETENESS

Include bins with at least this minimum completeness [default: 70]

--max-contamination MAX_CONTAMINATION

Include bins with at most this maximum contamination [default: 10]


--forward, --reads, --sequences FORWARD [FORWARD ...]

input forward/unpaired nucleotide read sequence(s)

--forward-list, --reads-list, --sequences-list FORWARD_LIST

input forward/unpaired nucleotide read sequence(s) newline separated

--reverse REVERSE [REVERSE ...]

input reverse nucleotide read sequence(s)

--reverse-list REVERSE_LIST

input reverse nucleotide read sequence(s) newline separated

--genomes GENOMES [GENOMES ...]

Reference genomes for read mapping

--genomes-list GENOMES_LIST

Reference genomes for read mapping newline separated


Restrict coassembly to these samples. Remaining samples will still be used for recovery [default: use all samples]

--coassembly-samples-list COASSEMBLY_SAMPLES_LIST

Restrict coassembly to these samples, newline separated. Remaining samples will still be used for recovery [default: use all samples]

--singlem-metapackage SINGLEM_METAPACKAGE

SingleM metapackage for sequence searching. [default: use path from SINGLEM_METAPACKAGE_PATH env variable]


--sample-singlem SAMPLE_SINGLEM [SAMPLE_SINGLEM ...]

SingleM otu tables for each sample, in the form "[sample name]_read.otu_table.tsv". If provided, SingleM pipe sample is skipped

--sample-singlem-list SAMPLE_SINGLEM_LIST

SingleM otu tables for each sample, in the form "[sample name]_read.otu_table.tsv" newline separated. If provided, SingleM pipe sample is skipped

--sample-singlem-dir SAMPLE_SINGLEM_DIR

Directory containing SingleM otu tables for each sample, in the form "[sample name]_read.otu_table.tsv". If provided, SingleM pipe sample is skipped

--sample-query SAMPLE_QUERY [SAMPLE_QUERY ...]

Queried SingleM otu tables for each sample against genome database, in the form "[sample name]_query.otu_table.tsv". If provided, SingleM pipe and appraise are skipped

--sample-query-list SAMPLE_QUERY_LIST

Queried SingleM otu tables for each sample against genome database, in the form "[sample name]_query.otu_table.tsv" newline separated. If provided, SingleM pipe and appraise are skipped

--sample-query-dir SAMPLE_QUERY_DIR

Directory containing Queried SingleM otu tables for each sample against genome database, in the form "[sample name]_query.otu_table.tsv". If provided, SingleM pipe and appraise are skipped

--sample-read-size SAMPLE_READ_SIZE

Comma separated list of sample name and size (bp). If provided, sample read counting is skipped


Genome transcripts for reference database, in the form "[genome]_protein.fna"

--genome-transcripts-list GENOME_TRANSCRIPTS_LIST

Genome transcripts for reference database, in the form "[genome]_protein.fna" newline separated

--genome-singlem GENOME_SINGLEM

Combined SingleM otu tables for genome transcripts. If provided, genome SingleM is skipped


--taxa-of-interest TAXA_OF_INTEREST

Only consider sequences from this GTDB taxa (e.g. p__Planctomycetota, or

--appraise-sequence-identity APPRAISE_SEQUENCE_IDENTITY

Minimum sequence identity for SingleM appraise against reference database. e.g. 96% for Species-level or 86% Genus-level [default: 0.96]

--min-sequence-coverage MIN_SEQUENCE_COVERAGE

Minimum combined coverage for sequence inclusion [default: 10]


Skip appraise to discover samples to differential abundance binning. Forces --num-coassembly-samples and --max-coassembly-samples to 1 and sets --max- coassembly-size to None


List of coassemblies to exclude, space separated, in the form "sample_1,sample_2"

--exclude-coassemblies-list EXCLUDE_COASSEMBLIES_LIST

List of coassemblies to exclude, space separated, in the form "sample_1,sample_2", newline separated

--num-coassembly-samples NUM_COASSEMBLY_SAMPLES

Number of samples per coassembly cluster [default: 2]

--max-coassembly-samples MAX_COASSEMBLY_SAMPLES

Upper bound for number of samples per coassembly cluster [default: --num- coassembly-samples]

--max-coassembly-size MAX_COASSEMBLY_SIZE

Maximum size (Gbp) of coassembly cluster [default: 50Gbp]

--max-recovery-samples MAX_RECOVERY_SAMPLES

Upper bound for number of related samples to use for differential abundance binning [default: 20]


Weight sequences by mean sample abundance when ranking clusters [default: False]


Restrict sequence weighting to these samples. Remaining samples will still be used for coassembly [default: use all samples]

--abundance-weighted-samples-list ABUNDANCE_WEIGHTED_SAMPLES_LIST

Restrict sequence weighting to these samples, newline separated. Remaining samples will still be used for coassembly [default: use all samples]

--kmer-precluster {never,large,always}

Run kmer preclustering using unbinned window sequences as kmers. [default: large; perform preclustering when given >1000 samples]

--precluster-distances PRECLUSTER_DISTANCES

Distance file in the format of `sourmash scripts pairwise`. If provided, kmer sketching and clustering is skipped.

--precluster-size PRECLUSTER_SIZE

# of samples within each sample's precluster [default: 5 * max-recovery- samples]


Use prodigal "-p meta" argument (for testing)



Only assemble reads that do not map to reference genomes


Run Fastp QC on reads

--unmapping-min-appraised UNMAPPING_MIN_APPRAISED

Minimum fraction of sequences binned to justify unmapping [default: 0.1]

--unmapping-max-identity UNMAPPING_MAX_IDENTITY

Maximum sequence identity of mapped sequences kept for coassembly [default: 99%]

--unmapping-max-alignment UNMAPPING_MAX_ALIGNMENT

Maximum percent alignment of mapped sequences kept for coassembly [default: 99%]


Run Aviary commands for all identified coassemblies (unless specific coassemblies are chosen with --coassemblies) [default: do not]

--prior-assemblies PRIOR_ASSEMBLIES

Prior assemblies to use for Aviary recovery. tsv file with header: name [tab] assembly. Only possible with single-sample or update. [default: generate assemblies through Aviary assemble]


Flag that cluster submission will occur through `--snakemake-profile`. This sets the local threads of Aviary recover to 1, allowing parallel job submission [default: do not]

--aviary-speed {fast,comprehensive}

Run Aviary recover in 'fast' or 'comprehensive' mode. Fast mode skips slow binners and refinement steps. [default: fast]

--assembly-strategy {dynamic,metaspades,megahit}

Assembly strategy to use with Aviary. [default: dynamic; attempts metaspades and if fails, switches to megahit]

--aviary-gtdbtk-db AVIARY_GTDBTK_DB

Path to GTDB-Tk database directory for Aviary. Only required if --aviary-speed is set to comprehensive [default: use path from GTDBTK_DATA_PATH env variable]

--aviary-checkm2-db AVIARY_CHECKM2_DB

Path to CheckM2 database directory for Aviary. [default: use path from CHECKM2DB env variable]

--aviary-assemble-cores AVIARY_ASSEMBLE_CORES

Maximum number of cores for Aviary assemble to use. [default: 64]

--aviary-assemble-memory AVIARY_ASSEMBLE_MEMORY

Maximum amount of memory for Aviary assemble to use (Gigabytes). [default: 500]

--aviary-recover-cores AVIARY_RECOVER_CORES

Maximum number of cores for Aviary recover to use. [default: 32]

--aviary-recover-memory AVIARY_RECOVER_MEMORY

Maximum amount of memory for Aviary recover to use (Gigabytes). [default: 250]


--output OUTPUT

Output directory [default: .]

--conda-prefix CONDA_PREFIX

Path to conda environment install location. [default: Use path from CONDA_ENV_PATH env variable]

--cores CORES

Maximum number of cores to use [default: 1]


dry run workflow

--snakemake-profile SNAKEMAKE_PROFILE

Snakemake profile (see Can be used to submit rules as jobs to cluster engine (see

--local-cores LOCAL_CORES

Maximum number of cores to use on localrules when running in cluster mode [default: 1]

--cluster-retries CLUSTER_RETRIES

Number of times to retry a failed job when using cluster submission (see `--snakemake-profile`) [default: 3].

--snakemake-args SNAKEMAKE_ARGS

Additional commands to be supplied to snakemake in the form of a space- prefixed single string e.g. " --quiet"

--tmp-dir TMP_DIR

Path to temporary directory. [default: no default]



output debug information


output version information and quit


only output errors


print longer help message


print longer help message in ROFF (manpage) format


rerun coassemble, adding new bins to database

$ binchicken iterate --coassemble-output coassemble_dir

rerun coassemble, adding new bins to database, providing genomes directly

$ binchicken iterate --coassemble-output coassemble_dir --new-genomes new_genome_1.fna

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